Running Outdoors Verse the Treadmill

Though I have run outdoors for many years, it may surprise many people to learn that I own a treadmill! Whilst I’m not talking a fancy all-dancing kind of treadmill machine, it is an electric treadmill which sits in the garage and is used perhaps once or twice a month.

Having begun running outside when I first took up the sport, I often receive some confused looks when I admit to owning such a product. But, having used both, I see no reason why the two can’t sit comfortably side by side with one another.

Why Some People Start out With Treadmills

I know of many people who, although are fully outdoor committed runners, began on this very route because of the treadmill. In fact, a couple of women who I regularly run with credit the treadmill as the reason for them acquiring the running bug in the first place. Many people start their running journey by looking into treadmill hire, then decide to buy their own and then eventually begin running in the fresh air.

Obviously, a treadmill is great if you’ve perhaps never ran before and want to see what it’s all about, but you don’t feel confident enough to start running in public just yet. Having a treadmill allows you to begin working on your fitness levels as a way of prepping you for outdoor running. However, it can also work to a runner’s advantage when they continue to run outdoors as well.

Why A Treadmill is A Good Investment for Outdoor Runners

Though I understand that many people will not have the room for a treadmill in the home, if you do have the room and can afford to buy one, there are a few reasons why owning a treadmill would complement your outdoor running:

Weather: A treadmill does not rely on the weather. When it’s too hot outside and there is a risk of heat stroke, I will use the treadmill surrounded by a few fans. Alternatively, when the winter really does kick in, and the pavements and road resemble ice sheets, I can carry on with my running on the treadmill.

Availability: Though I am pretty good with my current running routine, there are a few days each month whereby I get home late and don’t want to be heading out for a run towards midnight! Having the treadmill means I don’t automatically have a night off because of this and therefore, once again, my running schedule doesn’t suffer because of my work load.

Under no circumstances will I ever give up running outdoors – nature is my drug and you can’t under any circumstances create this effect at home in the garage! However, for those times when it is impossible to get out for your regular run, a treadmill at least allows you to carry on with your regime, ensuring you will not fall into bad habits!

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